X91 Chew Valley Sprint
As the timetable leaflets from the Mayoral Combined Authority are not yet available (and won’t be posted to individuals in your area until the end of September) a printable version will be available on your notice board. We plan to put something next to the main timetabled bus stops before Sunday as a temporary offer until the formal signs are put in place.
Bus Friendly Business Campaign
We are also now launching our Bus Friendly Business Campaign (please follow the link below)
Bus Friendly Business briefing for businesses
Help with Journey Planning
We realise that these two routes will take a bit of getting used to, especially for people who are less familiar with reading timetables and using bus travel so we will be attending a series of events over the coming weeks where we can help people journey plan and ask questions about the new services:
Thursday 29th August: 11am-12noon Bishop Sutton Library
Tuesday 3rd September: visiting Chew Valley Chat group (venue and time tbc but probably 11.15am at The Bear & Swan Chew Magna)
Saturday 7th September: WESTlocal stall at Chew Stoke Harvest Home, field opposite Chew Valley School from 12 onwards.
Saturday 14th September : WESTlocal stall at East Harptree Flower Show 2.30-5pm. East Harptree Playing Field
Do you have an event coming up that you would like us to visit with our journey planning stall or just a regular group that you would like us to visit to talk about the buses? Please do get in touch.
Many thanks
Jackie Head
on behalf of Chew Valley CIC Sustainable Transport partnership